The only other people on the beach, these two drunks had to hang out right in front of my camera to shoot the storm with their cell phones. It ruined the timelapse to the point I never even edited it.
I'm a pretty easy going guy. I see people do really stupid things all the time, but I usually just let it go. One thing has been irritating me for years though and I'm finally about to go off on it: people walking into my frame while I'm shooting. This is an incredibly rude and inconsiderate thing to do. There's nothing quite as infuriating as somebody walking straight in front of my camera and it happens constantly. Short of knocking my camera over, there isn't much more you could do to fill me with murderous rage.
Do photographers stick their head in between you and your computer at work? No? Well then why do you think it's okay to walk in front of someone's camera while they're working?! It's not okay! This is how we make a living, pay the bills, and feed our families. Now you may have just ruined a potential sale by walking your dumb @$$ through the frame.
Yes, ma'am. Yes you have. Mission accomplished.
You saw me standing there with a large camera setup on a tripod. You saw the look in my eyes pleading for you to please go around me, but out of either laziness or stupidity (or both), there you go right through my shot.
These two came up from behind me while I was running a timelapse and proceeded to walk right in front of my camera. The beach was totally empty. Hope that cell phone pic turned out great for you!
Often people will ask, "am I in your shot?" or "did I ruin your picture?", once they have already wrecked my exposure, but by then it's far too late. Guess what? If you can see the front of my lens, you're already in the shot.
Of course, the person can be photoshopped out, but by simply taking a 30 second detour around a photographer, you can save them hours of time post processing (and probably add a few years to their lives by stressing them out less). In some cases, such as when shooting a timelapse, you could conceivably wreck a photographer's entire shoot in just a few seconds.
Of course, at places which attract a lot of visitors, this kind of thing should be expected and is unavoidable. However, far too frequently, I will be the only person in sight, yet still, someone finds a way to blunder straight through my frame.
Photographers, does this happen often to you? What else annoys you while out shooting? Sound off in the comment section!